The Grizzly Creek Fire in Glenwood Canyon first started on Monday, August 10, at approximately 1;30 pm as reported on the IncWeb information System site here. Garfield County and Eagle County Public Safety Information also have pertinent information and updates for their respective counties.
Hot, dry weather combined with dry fuels and windy conditions does not make the situation any easier. Cottonwood Pass Road in Eagle and Garfield counties is closed. Interstate 70 remains closed between Glenwood Springs and Gypsum. There is no estimated time for reopening. Visit for road closure information.
Download the PDF for your personal Wildland Fire Action Plan. Fill the details in the plan and post it in a location where every household member can see it. Practice multiple exit routes. During high-fire-danger days in your area, monitor news from the local papers: | |
Below are some screen-shots with information on Wildland fire preparedness that will be useful in the event of an evacuation. The Ready, Set, Go! Program is produced and powered by the IAFC (International Fire Chiefs Association) It shared information with residents on how they can successfully become prepared in the event of a Wildland fire.